Specialist classes in

Having practised many varied forms of yoga,I found a yoga that I absolutely love.I discovered Kundalini yoga in Liverpool, and went on to learn to teach.I have qualified as a KRI (Kundalini Research Institute) certified Kundalini teacher with the renowned Amrit Nam Samovar International Yoga school, my training was in London and France.

Kundalini Yoga is an ancient Science that was originally exclusive to the Indian Royal family, but then Yogi Bajan in the 1960’s took this wonderful practise to California. I love teaching this dynamic blend of breath work,meditation and the exercise kryias :-working on strengthening the nervous system, balancing the glandular system and purifying the body alongside calming the mind.I learn something new with each practice , and all ages,levels and abilities can and should benefit from this ancient form .

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